Saturday, December 23, 2006

Jose Burgos: A Laguna Town for 194 Days

During the Philippine-American war, Juan Cailles, the General and Politico-Military Governor of Laguna issued a decree creating the town of Jose Burgos, Laguna.

General Camp. No. 4, TIERRA LIBRE,

(Laguna), November 19, 1900

To the local presidentes of Lumban, Longos, Paete, Paquil, Siniloan, Famy, Mavitac and Santa Maria.

I take the pleasure in informing you that I have this day approved provisionally the proceeding in the matter of the organization of the new town of “Jose Burgos” from its matrix Nagcarlan and comprising the barrios of Cabubuhayan, Lagulo, Sibrolan, Maravilla, Bancabanca, Lagatan, Bucal, Mojon and Calumpan of the aforesaid town, and Dita, Mojon, Buhanginan and Bancoro of the town of Lilio; also approving the election of officials who shall form the “Junta Popular” of the said town as well as the organization of the Popular Committee of the same.

I furnish you this for your information and the proper action.

Transmit this communication from one town to another and the last one shall return it to this office with the acknowledgments of all.


General and Politico-Military Governor.

(Source: Philippine Insurection Record, Exhibit 1120. Original in Spanish. Contemporary copy. P.I.R., 941.9)

Juan Cailles with 600 officers and men armed with 386 rifles and 4,000 rounds of ammunition surrendered to the Americans on June 24, 1901 ending the dreams of the people of Jose Burgos.

Of the three martyred priests, Father Jose Burgos is the most popular in Laguna. In Pila, Laguna, instead of the usual Philippine acronym Gomburza, the town chose to write it starting with the name of Jose Burgos, Burzagom, and even named a street this way.

Pila YouTube Video